• KSERS 2024
  • Master Class : Site Visiting Program

Minimally Invasive Surgery Master Class

KSERS 2023 Master Class Sketch

00:00-01:57Site Visiting Program

01:57-03:46Hands-on Meeting

This program is complimentary for KSERS 2024 participants!

Participants can experience minimally invasive surgical skills and facilities in Korean major centers. Join and exchange your knowledge!

Key Date

  • Application Submission Deadline: Extended to Feb. 29, 2024
  • Matching Participants to Institutions: March, 2024 (to be informed)

After closing application submission, the organizing committee will match you to an institute. If applicants converge toward a few institutes, you might be allocated to an institute you did not select. If you have any inquiries about the Master Class, please feel free to contact the secretariat at info@ksers.org.


  • April 7 (Sun): Hands-On Meeting (Medtronic Innovation Center, Osong)
  • April 8 (Mon) - 9 (Tue): Site Visiting Program
  • April 10 (Wed): Hands-On Meeting (Intuitive Center for Surgical Innovation)
  • April 11 (Thu) - 13 (Sat): KSERS 2024 (Daejeon Convention Center)

Site Visiting Program- Major Centers List

1. Ajou University Hospital (UGI)

Department Department of Surgery, Division of Gastrointestinal surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 3 Accommodation O
Homepage https://hosp.ajoumc.or.kr/en/hospital/deptView.do?deptNo=100&deptCd=GIS
Educational Content Specialized fields: Surgery for Gastric cancer, Gastrointestinal tumor, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Hernia, and Obesity

4/8 Laparoscopic surgery observation for gastric cancer and benign disease
4/9 Robotic or Laparoscopic surgery observation for gastric cancer and obesity

2. Ajou University Hospital (Colorectal)

Department Department of Colorectal Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation -
Homepage https://hosp.ajoumc.or.kr/en/hospital/deptView.do?deptNo=101&deptCd=CRS
Educational Content Minimally invasive surgery for various colorectal diseases:
- Malignancy, mainly
- Emergency including obstruction and perforation
- Inflammatory bowel disease
*Although the cases would be limited due to the short schedule, I am ready to modify the surgical plans to show various cases as possible.

3. Asan Medical Center

Department Hepato-Biliary & Pancreatic Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation -
Homepage https://eng.amc.seoul.kr/gb/lang/specialities/departments.do?hpCd=D149
Educational Content Observation for open/laparoscopic/robotic HBP surgery

4. Damsoyu Hospital

Department Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 5 Accommodation -
Homepage http://www.damsoyu.com/index.html
Educational Content 1. Single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy
2. TAPP hernioplasty

5. Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital

Department General Surgery (Endocrine division) Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 1 Accommodation -
Homepage https://seoul.eumc.ac.kr/eng/medical/dept/deptIntro.do?dept_cd=04&grp_yn=Y
Educational Content Dr. Kang Kyung Ho is an endocrine surgeon at Ewha Womans university Seoul Hospital. Patients who care neck scar could benefit from robot-assisted thyroid surgery which leaves almost no scar. He already experienced more than more than 1000 cases of robotic thyroid surgery with satisfactory results. Especially, he expanded the indications for robotic operation to thyroid carcinoma with lateral lymph nodes metastasis, in which modified radical neck dissection is needed. He has performed more than 100 cases of robotic modified radical neck dissection successfully with bilateral axillo-breast approach.

2024 Minimally Invasive Surgery Master Class Educational Plan

Day 1 (Monday): Robotic Thyroid Surgery
Morning (Theoretical Education): Acquire theoretical knowledge about robotic thyroid surgery. The topics will include:
Overview and necessity of robotic thyroid surgery
Advantages and limitations of robotic thyroid surgery
Basic principles and techniques of robotic thyroid surgery
Afternoon (Surgical Video Distribution): Through actual surgical videos of robotic thyroid surgery, understand the surgical procedure, and learn the characteristics and precautions of each stage.
Evening (Discussion): Based on what has been learned today, pose questions and conduct discussions. This will explore ways to apply theoretical knowledge to actual situations and improve the ability to see issues from various perspectives.

Day 2 (Tuesday): Surgical Observation
Morning (Surgical Observation): Participants will have the opportunity to observe a live surgical procedure, providing an invaluable firsthand experience.
Afternoon (Q&A during Surgery): Participants can ask questions during the surgery. This real-time interaction will provide a deeper understanding of the surgical process.
Evening (Post-surgery Discussion): A discussion session will be held to reflect on the surgery observed during the day. This will reinforce the learning and allow for clarification of any uncertainties.

6. Hansol Hospital

Department Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation O
Homepage https://www.hansolh.com/index.php/menu_gb/EN0
Educational Content Hansol Hospital has 8 departments: Coloanal Surgery, Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular medicine, Breast & Thyroid Surgery, Family Medicine, Radiology, Anesthesiology and Dentistry. 27 specialists offer medical care at the disease-specific centers and clinics.

Visiting program
1. Hemorrhoid Center: 10 specialists who have accumulated abundant experience and knowhow in coloanal treatment perform more than 5,000 surgeries a year on average. Areas- (hemorrhoids, fistula, anal fissure), pelvic floor disorders (constipation, fecal inconsistence, rectal prolapse, rectocele)
2. Laparoscopic Surgery Center: Performing 5,600 single-port laparoscopic surgeries on average a year. Areas- Colon cancer, hernia, appendicitis, gallbladder (gallstone), rectal prolapse
3. Endoscopy Center: 40,000 cases of endoscopic examination a year.
Areas-Biopsy, Polypectomy and ESD(Endoscopic submucosal dissection) for stomach and colon cancer in its earliest stage.

7. Korea University Anam Hospital (UGI)

Department Division of Foregut Surgery, department of Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://anam.kumc.or.kr/en/doctor-department/department/view.do?deptCd=AAGES
Educational Content The Division of Upper GI (Foregut) Surgery is a specialized center for the treatment of various upper gastrointestinal tract diseases on the scope of Gastric cancers, benign tumors, Bariatric/Metabolic diseases, and GERD. It is composed of great-skilled surgeons with specialized knowledge and experience related to the diagnosis, and pre-/post-operative management of UGI diseases.

In the field of research, Prof. Sungsoo Park has conducted clinical/translational research, developing new surgical techniques and innovative surgical treatments. “ARMED” provides state-of-the-art surgical knowledge and experience. Our program motivates the fellows to participate in sophisticated research and present at local and international conferences. Furthermore, this program aims for career advancement and surgical technology revolution in managing gastric cancers.

UGI & Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Fellowship have a strong focus on developing clinical, research, and academic leaders in the field of UGI surgery. With the world-class physicians mentoring your fellowship, the International Fellows will have opportunities to learn all the aspects of approaches and new technologies used in the field of UGI surgery. Fellows gain proficiency in the surgical management of basic and complex Gastrointestinal diseases, Gastric cancer management, and morbid obesity. Our program offers one-on-one fellowship training, and a key component of the training program is gastric cancer and bariatric surgery, which provides a minimally invasive approach. The fellow works closely with two UGI surgeons and with a dedicated, multidisciplinary bariatric clinic for workup and support. There are many opportunities for fellows to participate in research works, projects, publications, and presentations as well as several conferences and lecture series. Also, fellows are encouraged to carry out a clinical research project during a fellowship period. We welcome anyone from diverse backgrounds seeking to increase research skills, gain professional skills, and broaden their knowledge and experiences.

Opportunities for international fellows
1) International fellows can participate in clinical research under progress at Korea University Anam Hospital.
2) International fellows can participate and have a presentation at local, domestic, and international conferences.
3) International fellows can participate as an assistant or an observer in all surgery.
4) International fellows can have continuing education even after the fellowship ends through tele-mentoring, according to their achievement at Korea University.

8. Korea University Anam Hospital (HBP)

Department Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation -
Homepage https://anam.kumc.or.kr/en/doctor-department/department/view.do?deptCd=AAHPS
Educational Content We plan to provide surgical observation on one day for minimally invasive liver surgery and on the other day for minimally invasive (laparoscopic or robotic) pancreatobiliary surgery.

9. Kyunghee University Medical Center

Department Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation O
Homepage https://www.khmc.or.kr/en/treatment/department/2740000229/introduce.do
Educational Content - MIS (Lap, Robot, Hybrid)
- HBP MIS – PPPD , Distal pancreatectomy, hepatectomy
- CR MIS – AR, Rt hemicolectomy, Lt hemicolectomy

10. National Health Insurance Ilsan Hospital

Department General Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.nhimc.or.kr/eng/index.do
Educational Content 1. Hospital tour and welcome meeting (30 min)
2. Overview and practice of robotic hernia surgery (1hr)
3. Observation of robotic hernia surgery (1hr)
4. Luncheon and discussion

11. Samsung Medical Center

Department Division of Transplantation, Department of Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.samsunghospital.com/gb/language/english/main/index.do
Educational Content We are specialized in minimally invasive liver surgery (MILS) and experts in pure laparoscopic donor hepatectomy (PLDH) and laparoscopic hepatectomy for HCC.
On both Monday and Tuesday, you will be able to see all of the above-mentioned surgeries, and on Monday you may also see a totally laparoscopic recipient surgery (if there is a suitable case for laparoscopic LDLT).

12. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (UGI)

Department Gastrointestinal division Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 3 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.snubh.org/dh/module/en_drIntroduce_add.do?DP_CD=EN&MENU_ID=001002&DP_TP=O&S_DP_CD=GS
Educational Content - Reading images of esophagogastroduodenoscopy, CT and MR for GI operations
- Observing operations of GI surgery specialists
(Single incision gastrectomy, Robotic gastrectomy, Metabolic bariatric surgery, other single port & robotic gastrointestinal surgery)

13. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (Colorectal)

Department Department of Surgery, Colorectal division Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.snubh.org/dh/module/en_drIntroduce_add.do?DP_CD=EN&MENU_ID=001002&DP_TP=O&S_DP_CD=GS
Educational Content Observing minimally invasive surgery (Laparoscopic/Robotic) for colorectal cancer.
- Colectomy (Rt. hemicolectomy, Lt. hemicolectomy, Anterior resection, Low/Ultralow anterior resection, etc.)
- Organ preserving surgery (inter-sphincteric resection)
- Transanal surgery (TAMIS, TaTME, etc.)

14. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (HBP)

Department Department of Surgery (HBP) Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.snubh.org/dh/module/en_drIntroduce_add.do?DP_CD=EN&MENU_ID=001002&DP_TP=O&S_DP_CD=GS
Educational Content Apr. 8 (Mon)
Pancreatioduodenectomy (MIS or Open)
Hepatectomy (MIS or Open)

Apr. 9 (Tue)
Liver Transplantation (MIS or open)
Robotic Pancreatioduodenectomy

15. Seoul National University Hospital (HBP)

Department Department of Surgery (Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery) Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 2 Accommodation -
Homepage http://www.snuh.org/global/en/find/findDoctorList.do?hsp_cd=1&dept_cd=HBPS
Educational Content 1. Introduction
Established in 1946, the Department of Surgery at Seoul National University College of Medicine is the one of the oldest surgical departments in Korea. The current hepatobiliary and pancreas division comprises several specialized centers; Liver Cancer Center, Pancreatic and Biliary Cancer Center, and Transplantation Center. There are 10 faculty members with 8 clinical fellows in the Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery.
In this visiting program supported by KSERS 2024, the visitors can experience and participate in the minimally-invasive surgery (MIS) particularly for pancreato-biliary disease. With the remarkable investigations for MIS of our department, we have performed more than 700 of robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy in the last decade. The visitors will obtain structured concept of surgical indication for MIS and experience fundamental and advanced techniques used in MIS.

2. Educational contents
April 8th 2024: The Monday schedule starts from the morning conference at 7:00 AM. The residents report on the patients who will undergo surgery in the week with their imaging findings. The surgical planning for each patient is conducted. The operation starts around 8:00AM and the visitors can participate in the whole procedure of the operation.
April 9th 2024: Two operative rooms are available. Various types of surgery will be performed including open, laparoscopic and robotic procedures. Visitors can observe or participate as an assistant in the most interesting case.

16. Seoul National University Hospital (UGI)

Department Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 3 Accommodation O
Homepage http://www.snuhstomach.com/
Educational Content 1. Introduction
The SNUH Gastric Cancer Center is one of the world-class centers at Seoul National University Cancer Hospital (SNUCH). Each year, about 1,000 gastric cancer surgeries are performed with about 15% morbidity and 0.5% mortality. The cumulative number of gastric cancer surgeries performed at the center exceeded 20,000 in 2007, which is the highest number in any single institution in the world. We have provided an enriching educational experience to over 100 international clinicians (mostly faculty of major international institutions) at our center and developed an education program fit for academic physicians from all over the world, including China and even Japan. We have been running a fellowship exchange program with Roswell Park Cancer Institute since 2009, and one or two surgical oncology fellows visit our center yearly (7 fellows have visited our center for 1 month as part of their elective training course). We have also had many short-term visitors from all over the world through various routes. SNUCH Gastric Cancer Center can be the best option for global visitors for education on gastric cancer because it has a high number cases per week as well as structured and active research activities, even for a short duration of a few weeks.
2. Short-Term Visiting Fellowship Program
This is an integrated practical education course that provides experience with many diverse gastric cancer patients within a few weeks and is intended to offer a structured concept and knowledge of gastric cancer treatment.
The visitors are expected to learn the basic principles of gastric cancer treatment, focused on gastric cancer surgery including lymph node dissection, post-operative management and chemotherapy. We hope they would be able to effectively apply their experience with a relatively large number of gastric cancer patients in their own practice in their home institutions. We also look forward to introducing and discussion research projects at SNUH to develop a new international collaboration among gastric cancer researchers.

1) Duration: 1-week program course

2) Accommodations: Accommodations can be arranged in advance

3) Educational contents
A. Gastric cancer operation: indications and technical principles of each operation technique
  • Operation schedule: routinely 20 gastric cancer surgeries per week(Robotic surgery: Wednesday Laparoscopic or Laparoscopy-assisted or Open surgery: Monday to Friday)
  • Types of operation: Distal Gastrectomy, Pylorus Preserving Gastrectomy, Total Gastrectomy, Proximal Gastrectomy, etc.
  • Concept and details of lymph node dissection: D1, D1+ and D2 LN dissection
  • Review and discussion of selected articles from SNUCH on gastric cancer
B. Post-operative care: diet progression, management of complications, follow-up period and examinations
  • In-patient ward round
  • Outpatient clinic: Wednesday (p.m.), Thursday (a.m. and p.m.)
C. Conferences: decision-making on difficult cases, discussion of interesting cases and publication updates
  • Multidisciplinary Stomach Case Conference (Wednesday 17:00, biweekly): case conference for decision-making or review (participants: surgeons, gastroenterologists, medical oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and nuclear medicine specialists)
  • Tumor Clinic of the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery (Friday 07:00): post-operative morbidity and mortality conference and journal review
  • Surgical Grand Round of the Department of Surgery (Wednesday 07:00): lectures by invited speakers on all topics associated with surgical diseases (in English)
D. Research meeting: clinical and translational research activities of the Gastric Cancer Center
(Thursday 07:00)
  • Discussion of ongoing research activities by clinicians, the Gastric Cancer Biology Lab, and collaborating researchers
E. Endoscopy for gastric cancer: diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer via endoscopy
  • Observation of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)
  • Observation of gastroscopy and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)
F. Observation at the outpatient clinic and clinical trials of medical oncologists: types and roles of chemotherapy for gastric cancer, clinical trials
G. Opportunities to attend domestic scientific meetings or workshops on gastric cancer

4) Curriculum
A. Operation
  • Understanding different gastric cancer operations and concepts of lymph node dissection
  • Observation of about 15-20 operations
B. Post-op care
  • 2 to 3-day ward round and 1 session at the outpatient clinic
C. Conferences
  • Multidisciplinary Stomach Case Conference: 1 time
  • Tumor Clinic and Surgical Grand Round: 1 or 2 times
D. Research meetings
  • 2 times
E. Endoscopic treatment
  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection: 1 session
F. Concluding remarks at the end of the visit
  • Presentation of a summary of each individual experience; feedback from the faculty

5) Routine Time Table
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Surgical Grand Round
Research meeting
Tumor Clinic
Robot operation
Endoscopy session Outpatient Clinic or Operation
Patient education
Continued Operation Continued Operation 13:30
Operation or Outpatient Clinic
Continued Outpatient Clinic or Operation Continued Operation
Stomach Case Conference (biweekly)

17. The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul ST. Mary’s Hospital (Colorectal)

Department Dept of Colorectal Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 3 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.cmcseoul.or.kr/page/en/department/A/28/1
Educational Content The Department of Colorectal Surgery at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital performs more than 500 colorectal cancer surgeries annually, and performs those using minimally invasive techniques in most colorectal cancer patients. Professor Yoon Suk Lee, who is in charge of education, is an authority in this field and has performed thousands of laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgeries for about 20 years. In addition, rectal cancer surgery including ISR has been performed using the da Vinci robot as well as the conventional laparoscopic surgery since several years ago, and recently, LAR and ISR using the SP robot is being actively performed. We are very excited about the expectation that we will help many surgeons who are interested in this.
As a pre-congress of KSERS 2024, we would like to provide an opportunity to experience high-quality colorectal cancer surgery using minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopy, multiport davinci robot, and SP robot).

18. The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul ST. Mary’s Hospital (HBP)

Department HepatoBiliary-Pancreas surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://www.cmcseoul.or.kr/page/en/department/A/6/1
Educational Content The basic program is to observe surgery directly, and if the surgery is not on schedule, we will replace it with a video lecture.

1. April 8 (Mon)
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (SPDP or RAMPS)
robot assisted PPPD

2. April 9 (Tue)
Liver transplantation
Lap. Donor rt. Hepatectomy

19. Yonsei University College of Medicine, Severance Hospital (Endocrine)

Department Endocrine Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://sev.severance.healthcare/sev-en/department/department/thyroid-endocrine-surgery.do
Educational Content Can observe various kind of robotic procedure (robotic thyroidectomy, MRND, parathyroidectomy) & endoscopic adrenalectomy (posterior retroperitoneal approach).

20. Yonsei University College of Medicine, Severance Hospital (HBP)

Department Department of HBP Surgery (BP surgery) Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 4 Accommodation -
Homepage https://sev.severance.healthcare/sev-en/department/department/hepatobiliary-pancreatic-surgery.do
Educational Content Our institution has advanced experiences of minimally invasive surgery in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery such as laparoscopic or robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy and major hepatectomy including donor hepatectomy. Anyone interested in minimally invasive surgery can register and observe various kinds of minimally invasive surgery and operate in console in robotic simulation center in our institution.

8th, April, 2024, Monday
-Laparoscopic PPPD
-Robotic PPPD
-Robotic donor hepatectomy
-Laparoscopic major hepatectomy

9th, April, 2024, Tuesday
Operate in console in robotic simulation center

21. Yonsei University College of Medicine, Severance Hospital (UGI)

Department Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Site Visiting Program Date April 8-9 (2 days)
Person 3 Accommodation O
Homepage https://sev.severance.healthcare/sev-en/department/department/gastrointestinal-surgery.do
Educational Content 1. Introduction & Hospital tour
2. Surgery case observation
MIS- Lap or robot gastrectomy (Subtotal, total gastrectomy)
Reduced-port surgery (Robot, Lap)
3. Q & A with surgeons
Dinner with tutors(surgeons)

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